
3歳よりクラシックピアノを習い、15歳でGene Harrisのアルバム”Tribute to Count Basie”に衝撃を受けジャズピアノを始める。16歳よりユキ・アリマサ氏に師事し洗足学園音楽大学ジャズコースを卒業する。在学中より都内を中心に様々なミュージシャンと演奏活動を行い、自身のバンドでも多数のジャズフェスティバルに出演。
2022年、国際ジャズデーに放送される配信番組「Main Stream of Jazz Auditoria online」に出演。また同年9月、日本橋・浜町 “SESSiON” にて行われたソロ・ピアノ・ライブは大きな注目を集め、現在注目のスポット恵比寿・BLUE NOTE PLACEのプレス向けオープニング・レセプションに出演。その後も同クラブには自身のトリオで定期的な出演を重ねている。
また、2023年3月にはポーランドのジャズクラブVertigoにてSaxプレイヤーAdam Pieronczykと共演するなど、ワルシャワ/他2都市を訪れたドキュメンタリー番組が4月30日開催の JAZZ AUDITORIA online 2023にて配信。
2023年6月オリジナルの楽曲を中心に制作したデビューアルバム”Cheers!”がReBorn Wood Lableより発売され、2023年8月Cotton Club Tokyoでのリリースライブを成功に収める。
MUZAジルベスターコンサート2023では東京交響楽団を中心とするMUZAジルベスター管弦楽団と共演、また2023年大晦日には『モンスト公式YouTubeチャンネル』より『Monst Music Night ’23→’24』で主演を務め話題を集めた。
2024年7月、南仏アンティーブのジャズフェスティバルJazz à Juanに小沢咲希トリオとして出演、2週間のヨーロッパツアーを行う。
これまでに、Adam Pieronczyk(S.Tsx)、Thomas Bramerie(Ba)、Franck Agulhon(Ds)、峰厚介(Tsx)、中村健吾(b)、片岡雄三(tb)、宮之上貴昭(gt)、TOKU(fh,vo)、古野光昭(b)、吉野弘志(b)、井上陽介(b)、岡崎正典(ts)、多田誠司(as,fl)、大友義雄(as)、須川崇志(Ba)各氏等と共演。
Saki Ozawa
Born in 1995, from Tokyo.
Started learning classical piano from the age of three, later inspired by Gene Harris’s album “Tribute to Count Basie” at the age of 15 and started playing jazz piano mastered by a veteran jazz pianist and a professor in Senzoku Gakuen College of Music -Yuki Arimasa at the age of 16. At the age of 18 entered the Senzoku college, then graduated with the second honors. Started professional career by the time as a college student performing with various musicians in Tokyo area and appeared numbers of jazz festivals accompanied with her own band members. Began regularly appearing as Saki Ozawa trio at the historical jazz club in Roppongi, Tokyo called “Alfie” after the graduation of college, and is continuing to make more musical activities energetically including as a leader of band and jazz sessions with her own trio and various musicians.
In September 2022, the solo piano live at the dining “SESSiON” in Hamacho, Nihonbashi, produced by Blue Note Japan, was quickly full-booked by those jazz fans exploring an attractive rising star in jazz then appeared at the grand-opening reception for the press of Ebisu’s BLUE NOTE PLACE, which is currently a hot spot. Since then has continued to perform regularly at the club with her own trio.
In addition, in March 2023, performed with a sax player Adam Pieronczyk at the Polish jazz club Vertigo, and a documentary program about her visit to Warsaw and two other cities is scheduled to be broadcast at JAZZ AUDITORIA online 2023.
In June 2023, the debut album “Cheers!”, which was mainly composed of original songs, released by ReBorn Wood Label, and in August 2023, the release live at Cotton Club Tokyo became a big success.
At the MUZA Concert Hall in Kawasaki, on the new year’s eve of 2023, performed with the special Silvester Orchestra centered as the special guest solist. On the other hand of jazz, streamed online for “Monst Music Night ’23→’24” from the official content of world-known mega-hit video game “Monster Strike” acted as the main heroin playing music on piano and attracted attention.
In July 2024, she will appear with the Saki Ozawa Trio at the jazz festival Jazz à Juan in Antibes, southern France, and will then embark on a two-week European tour.